To make deep and lasting change in soft tissue structure, an integrated approach is warranted.
The human body is not just a collection of parts, a kin to a scientific reductionist model, but rather, it is an integrated synergistic being, that is constantly reflecting back unto itself, from a microcosm to a macrocosm.
Biological structure is profound and complex. Even on a mechanical/gravitational level, the situation of the human body is complex beyond the logical mind’s ability to sort it all out. Efforts to treat chronic pain by treating just the symptoms is rarely successful, and even more common, the success is short lived.
Having said this, ISBW does not treat pain; rather it is an educated approach that seeks to restructure the entire body, restoring the body’s inherent balance with the field of gravity. And yet, a large number of people seek us, to obtain relief from their chronic pain. (LEARN “WHAT CAUSES PAIN?”) [maxbutton id=”9″]