The System has become the first choice of professional and amateur athletes and serious individuals wanting to significantly improve their athletic performance or overcome the setbacks of a sports related injury. Through specialized age appropriate conditioning, diet, recovery & regeneration, many of these athletes have returned to their chosen sport performing better than before they got injured.
The System Enhances Athletic & Human Potential by delivering a comprehensive integrated approach to Conditioning via:
- Identifying, addressing & enhancing the impending blockages to athletic performance & body composition, in the simplest manner possible, utilizing an integrated approach including:
- Physical Conditioning
- Sports Nutrition
- Lifestyle Counselling
- Regeneration
- Environmental Enhancement
- The System delivers creative, broad-based, accelerated conditioning, nutritional & regenerative solutions to obtain faster results:
- In less time
- With less effort
- With less Pain
- Faster Recovery
- With less Injury Potential
“Simplicity is Complexity in Reverse… Learn to Work Smarter, not just Harder”
- The System assists in making Athletes & Individuals:
- Be Leaner
- Be ‘Lighter on their feet’
- Have Ease of Movement
- Have a heightened sense of Proprioception
- Recover faster from conditioning
“Shape determines Function & Function determines Shape”