What is The System?
Who Are We?
What we are NOT:
- Strength & Conditioning Coaches, who primarily focus on strength training
- Speed Coaches, who primarily focus on speed development
- A Corporate Fitness Facility &/ or Gym catering to the mass market
- A place to ‘workout’ (i.e. burn calories & get a good sweat going”), it is a centre for athletes young & old to Train & develop (i.e. enhance their physical & neurological potential)
- We do Not give our athletes generic “cookie-cutter …one size-fits-all” group programs
- We don’t make our athlete’s:
- “Flip giant truck tires”
- “Wield sledgehammers”
- “Push cars”
- “Perform Circus Tricks on Unstable Objects”
“Conventional High School & College strength & conditioning methodologies do not adequately address the needs of the individual athletes & fall far short in terms of properly preparing athletes for their sports”
What we ARE:
“We are Physical Mercenaries for hire that specialize in Performance Enhancement …providing Conditioning & Regenerative services to elite athletes, sports clubs & individuals, for over 33 years”
- Our approach is simple – What is the one thing that every athlete wants immediately? “RESULTS!”
- We are a Boutique service for those individuals that are goal orientated & are committed to getting results in the fastest time & with the least amount of effort
- We are for the discerning clientele, who desire a high level of personal privacy, information confidentiality & professional service
- We are highly qualified & have:
- Real world experience
- Multidisciplinary synergistic approach to Athletic Conditioning & Regeneration
- We have a perennial perspective (i.e. wisdom that has been tried & trued from highly respected individuals) w.r.t. to Athletic Conditioning & Regeneration
- We have developed a unique approach to the assessment and correction of the root cause(s) of most biomechanical problems, where training and other forms of intervention have not been successful
- We have successfully coached clients to greater than 90% resolution of their biomechanical problems and performance related queries
- We have produced superior results where others have not been successful
- We believe our clients innately know what their solutions are, they’re just not aware, hence we are only a resource for you to make an educated decision
- We believe a long-term, disciplined, well managed training plan is the best approach to a successful outcome, as it enables mistakes that most individual conditioning coaches consistently make to be avoided
- We believe Athletes need to outsource some of their training to experts in the field, to obtain greater insight into their training and nutrition before embarking on their own
- We believe in establishing excellent rapport, respect, & trust with our client
I extend a warm welcome to try our services, see for yourself how they can benefit your athletic experience.
“Your Passion + Our Knowledge = Success”
What Do We Do?
- A detailed proprietary assessment process
- Talent identification
- Physical conditioning (i.e. strength, speed, power, muscular endurance, plyometrics, agility, aerobic and anaerobic endurance)
- Nutritional solutions
- Postural corrective solutions (i.e. joint stability, range of motion, fascial malleability) regeneration methodology
Utilize cutting-edge perennial conditioning philosophies embodied by our team of specialists, customized to your goals & special needs, all seamlessly woven to create:
- Maximum gains with minimal risk
- Wellness
- Address specific individual weaknesses
- Maintain your strengths
- Reduce injury potential
- Accelerate & enhance regeneration
- Remove barriers that prevent you from taking you to the next level (i.e. achieving your genetic potential)
Improve your current state from baseline values & prepare you for the rigors of competition:
- Efficiently
- Ethically
- In the least possible amount of time
- With minimal effort
“Can a Volkswagen become a Porsche? No, but it can become a better performing Volkswagen”
…Whilst moving away from:
- Out-dated,
- ‘Cookie-Cutter’,
- ‘One-size-fits-all’,
- ‘Conveyor-belt’ training methods
“Train smarter, not harder”
Why Choose The System?
In the training and conditioning environment of the 21st century, The System realizes that:
a) There is need for more quality
b) The consumer is more educated and discerning
c) “Cookie-cutter” solutions are no longer applicable
d) The client has more choices & opportunities
e) The client is concerned about quality
Conditioning, Nutritional, & Regenerative businesses are becoming Homogeneous & Commoditized. They can be summarized in the following quote….
10 years ago – “I’ll stay unless you give me a reason to leave”
Today’s mantra – “I’ll leave unless you give me a reason to stay”
Therefore, the challenge is to distinguish and differentiate what is critical. What separates The System from the competition is 6 distinct areas which are inter-related. They are:
- Accountability & Commitment
- Education & Experience
- Results – Concentrating on Client’s Weaknesses while Maintaining Strengths
- Value – Getting More than What You Paid For
- Client Retention & Confidentiality
- Respected in the Industry
Our Philosophy
Accelerated Conditioning & Simplified Regeneration
Conditioning & Regenerative Philosophy
The System is an exclusive “Boutique-Style” Regeneration & High Performance Conditioning Company. We are your “Physical Mercenary” for hire. The System enhances athletic performance through the identification and correction of the blockages that limit athletic prowess. It does so, via a synergistic combination of unique Integrative Conditioning Methods, Positive Lifestyle Habits & Specialized Regenerative techniques. In other words, there is a fine line between therapy, conditioning and nutrition.
“Athletic Performance beyond Numbers & Service beyond Expectations”
The System uses an Integrated Conditioning Philosophy developed by Yusuf Omar, a competitive athlete in his own right; after 33 plus years of being in the business of Conditioning & Regeneration. Many of The System‘s clients, after becoming acquainted with the The System’s conditioning & regenerative methodology, realize, that it is unlike any other conditioning system currently out there. The System‘s conditioning and regenerative methodology is greater than a collection of exercises, but rather a unique and broad blend of traditional (i.e. tried and trued methods of conditioning), synergistically blended with modern scientific knowledge and “in-the-trenches” experience, that generates substantial outcomes in a very short period of time, with minimal time and effort.
“Shape determines Function & Function determines Shape”
The System was founded in Toronto, Ontario, Canada in 1985. It was opened to the dedication and development of the fastest and most efficient methods of conditioning and regeneration, to yield positive outcomes. The System‘s reputation is the industry has been well established and respected. The System is no glorified training facility, but rather it is a small well-stocked conditioning facility, that has pretty much all the necessary tools to condition high school athletes to world record holders.
“Learn to ‘See’ with your Feet & ‘Feel’ with your Eyes”
Our clients certainly do not come here for the “country-club” lifestyle. They come here because of QUALITY and not Quantity. Our clients expect a high degree of personal attention and a high degree of uncompromising standards for getting results, and are willing to put the time, effort and cost to achieve their goals. If you are frustrated with your current level of service or need a change for the better, The System might be for you, as a majority of our clients come to The System on just such terms. Our clients come from various backgrounds, ranging from high school, college, and professional people and any where in between. The System accepts anyone without pride or prejudice; all we ask of our clients is a positive attitude, an openness to entertain new possibilities to address your concerns and commitment to the process, by which we derive the solutions to your queries.
“If you walk ten steps, The System will walk a hundred for you”
We believe our clients innately know what their solutions are; they’re just not aware. We are only a resource for you to make an educated decision.
We humbly like to be a sounding board to your successes. A long-term, disciplined, well-managed training plan is the best approach to a successful outcome.
“When you succeed we succeed”
Athletes need to outsource some of their training to experts in the field, to obtain greater insight into their training and nutrition before embarking on their own.
Conditioning is both art and science. The art is a skill that is being acquired through constant feedback from our clients and vital wisdom, intuition, knowledge and experience we have obtained by working with several top-level individuals. The science comes from attending various conferences, reading extensively, and conducting independent research.
Training diversification (i.e. speed, strength, power, agility, endurance, flexibility) is the key to reducing training stagnation and ensuring that the needs of each sport is met and exceeded to create an optimum outcome. Today’s athletes require a comprehensive conditioning and nutrition plan to act as a roadmap for achieving short and long-term goals. The flexibility to change (i.e. the ability to adapt to the constant flux of sport and the stresses it imposes on the athletes body).
The System moves away form out-dated / cookie-cutter training methods. The System will teach you cutting edge techniques to take you to the next level. No person is created equal, so why should your training be the same as the next guy’s.
“Success sometimes is measured in sacrifice and not by victory. Victory comes as a result of sacrifice”
There are conditioning coaches out there currently that use their athletes for shameless promotion. What they fail to realize is that those athletes were “athletes” before they met these coaches. Yes, they might have assisted in the process of better performance, but they did not “make them”. If anything, the coach merely brought out what was missing. To deny what each athlete comes to you with, is to take ownership and live vicariously through them. At The System we do not take pride in our athletes, but rather, we take stock in the methodology that helped them develop their athlete potential.
All training methods are possibilities; it just depends on the situation, which possibility(s) you will use for a particular athlete, in the current state that they are in, at that particular time. No one method works for all athletes all the time. Every method has its inherent limitations. Having said this, even despite this, the limitations of each method can serve a purpose towards building greater performance, via the adoption of new conditioning methodology, once the previous one has been exhausted.
“If all you have in your tool box is a screwdriver & hammer. You will ‘screw & hammer’ everything”
Every sport has its own unique idiosyncrasies that define it as what it is. It is important to classify the ergogenensis of each sport, and then assess how close the athlete is to this reality. But prior to this, it is vital that the athlete is assessed based upon their past injury and conditioning history, current overall health, then their physical structure (i.e. posture). The athletes posture will give deep insight into their bodies ability to maintain internal equilibrium (i.e. protect the brain, the spinal cord, the visceral organs & maintain 3-dimentional joint-centration), whilst giving strong indication on how the athlete will move based upon the latter aspect.
“If it stands right it walks right. If it walks right, it runs right. If it runs right, it sprints right”
Every conditioning and regeneration method will have some application to a particular sport, but may not apply for too long. A good coach will have the broadest knowledge w.r.t., conditioning and regeneration, with the deepest insight on how to utilize those elements for the particular needs of the athlete, then fulfilling the requirements of the sport.
“Develop the athlete, but condition for the sport i.e. identify and address the state he/she comes you, but lead him/her to where they ought to be”
At a certain point in time, every conditioning method will not reap the fruits that it once did, despite initially having obtained large gains in its early inception; hence more time spent with that method will not lead to more gains in performance.
“Exhaust every training method, then move on to another one”
All conditioning methods are just possibilities, and any coach that vehemently adheres to any one method will find him/herself moving towards one extreme, failing to realize that the extremes only define the middle. The best performance coaches do not subscribe to just one conditioning method, but rather, are mentally agile enough to embrace all methods at the same time, but not be a slave to any one.
“The greatest growth comes from the middle, but sometimes you need to go to both extremes to define that middle, but one can not stay at the extremes for too long”
The best performance enhancement coaches learn to assess with a microscope; conservatively dispense conditioning and aggressively regenerate. Sometimes athletes will develop tremendous strength in a particular lift, only to get the “gold medal” for that lift, but no medal in their sport of choice. No athlete was purely built in the weight room.
“Do not mimic the sport in the weight room”
Much of the conditioning comes from the sport itself. Ideal conditioning just provides the structure by which movement can occur, as you cannot rush a river, but merely guide it. Specificity in the weight room mars performance.
“There are no absolutes just degrees of relativity”
The System goes beyond the exercise and its relationship with aesthetics. Instead The System concerns its efforts on what effect the exercise is having on the proprioceptive system, Central Nervous System fatigue, as well as the relationship that particular exercise has with others relative to percentage Maximum Voluntary Contraction (MVC) (i.e. a sprint has the highest MVC, whereas a 1RM bench press has only about 60% MVC). So in essence these two exercises are not competing for the same amount of energy vs. a sprint or an Olympic Snatch movement.
In the end, The System‘s philosophy on conditioning & regeneration can be summed up in just a few words:
“The best coach is not the one that has all the answers, but has the ability to identify the state the athlete is currently in, and where to access the methodology to take that athlete to the next stage of development…
Mould the program to the athlete & DO NOT mould the athlete to the program..
In the shortest amount of time,
With the least amount of stress on the athlete’s CNS &
Using the least amount of effort
With the minimalist amount of conditioning elements employed (i.e. “simplicity is complexity in reverse”)” & using the most effective regenerative methods available”
– Yusuf Omar-
Our Mission
To deliver a comprehensive 360-Degree Integrated approach to high performance athletic sport-specific program design, Health & Wellness, that identifies & corrects the blockages to health & wellness & athletic prowess.
The System 360-Degree Approach to Athletic Performance & Wellness
“Integrity Over Profits… Health & Athletic Performance Beyond Numbers… Function Beyond Form… Goods & Service Beyond Expectations… Results Beyond Traditional Forms of Conditioning…Nutrition & Regeneration”
To empower athlete’s of all ages, through, a proven time & time again proprietary Conditioning, Regeneration & Monitoring Methodology; that increases:
✓ Speed
✓ Acceleration
✓ Speed Endurance
✓ Elastic Properties of Muscle
✓ Explosive Strength
✓ Maximal Strength
✓ Posture
✓ Pliability (i.e. combination of flexibility, mobility & speed)
✓ Lean Muscle Tissue & decreases Body Fat
✓ Reduces Injury Potential,
✓ Increases Confidence,
✓ Overall Performance,
✓ & Wellness
To help every athlete & active individual reach new levels of athletic performance & overcome setbacks due to injury, via a thorough personalized conditioning & recovery program, that encompasses:
- Core conditioning principles
- Sports & wellness nutrition
- Myofascial body work using various modalities
- Overall daily lifestyle, daily ergonomics & wellness
Being physically fit & healthy is about more than just exercise, it encompasses a “360-Degree” balanced approach between:
- Conditioning (i.e. speed, strength, power, endurance, flexibility & mobility),
- Nutrition (i.e. Pre-During-Post Exercise nutrition
- Recovery (i.e. sleep, sauna, self soft tissue release, liver detoxification, elimination, gastro-intestinal health, home corrective exercises, flexibility & mobility)
- Environmental Modifications
The System combines all these factors, in a personalized combination, to help you meet your athletic & fitness needs
Whether you’re a pro athlete, a fitness buff, or just want to stay strong, there’s a “360-Degree” program that will help you reach your fitness goals.
“Changing the Standard in Athletic Preparation & Regeneration”
- The System is breaking new ground & pushing the status quo via developing all aspects of athleticism, that leads to comprehensive high performance
- The System is a Private “Boutique” By-Appointment Only facility, catering to a discerning clientele, who prefer one-on-one coaching or working in small groups
- The System has developed professional expertise in this niche area in an effort to better serve athletes in need of proper Conditioning, Regeneration, Nutrition, and Long Term Planning
Call us today!
(416) 635-9537
We have Day, Evening & Weekend Programs
Money back guarantee!** Its simple, if you do not improve your speed for your sport … money back! No questions asked!
** Some Conditions Apply
Parents are always welcomed and encouraged to attend the training session
✓ Conditioning
• Agility
• Plyometrics
• Explosive power
• Acceleration
• Speed
• Speed-endurance
• Maximum strength
• Corrective exercise
• Flexibility & mobility work
• Sport Vision training
✓ Regeneration
Integrated Structural Body Work (ISBW):
• Osteopathy
• Fascial Release
• Other self-regeneration methods
✓ Nutrition
Integrated Metabolic Nutrition (IMN):
• Detailed lifestyle & metabolic analysis
• Hormonal & neurotransmitter profiling
✓ Long Term Planning
Coming Soon…
- The System is not a ‘cookie-cutter’ program that most facilities offer
- The System only works with individuals or small groups at any onetime
- The System is not for everyone, only those who want more than what is offered currently by other training facilities
- The System has over 33+ Years of experience in Conditioning & Regeneration
- The System specializes in assisting athlete’s of all types of speed-power sports:

✓ Football ✓ Basketball ✓ Swimming
✓ Hockey ✓ Tennis ✓ Race Car Drivers
✓ Soccer ✓ Volleyball ✓ 100m, 200m
✓ Baseball ✓ Golf ✓ 400m & 800m
The System is an integrated approach to athletic performance, active lifestyle, health & wellness. It is designed to help you build muscle, reduce fat, improve conditioning, lower stress, decrease injury potential, and improve overall health.
Both professional and amateur athletes have used The System as a rehabilitation tool to recover from sports related injuries & improve performance. In many cases, they have returned to their sport in better condition than before they got injured. The System has also been used by athletes as a tool to elevate their careers by achieving a higher level of strength and conditioning.
For non-athletes, The System has proven to be an efficient and highly effective way to increase muscle, lose weight, have more energy, and improve mobility.
State Of The Art Practices
✓ The System is up to date with the latest industry Conditioning, Nutrition & Regenerative Methodologies
✓ The System is centrally located in the North end of Toronto, just off the Allen Expressway
✓ The System is a fully equipped High Performance Conditioning Facility
✓ The System has easy access to two running tracks & fields, located within 5 to 10 min. from our facility
✓ The System provides daily & weekly Monitoring of Training Status
✓ The System provides Free informational packages on Conditioning, Nutrition & Regeneration
✓ The System provides weekly Mini-seminars on Conditioning, Nutrition & Regeneration
✓ The System provides discounts on brand name Supplements, Clothing, Shoes & Exercise Equipment
✓ The System provides easily accessible One-to-One communication to clients