Speed & Regeneration Specialization Course


For over 33 years, the TheSystem.ca has been delivering evidence informed information & ‘Real World Experience’ to the most qualified exercise professionals in their field.

TheSystem.ca continues to improve safe, effective training & guidelines.

TheSystem.ca continues to evolve to reflect the latest research & industry trends.

The first of its kind in Canada, TheSystem.ca’sSpeed & Regeneration Specialization™”, focuses on the development of speed, testing, recovery & regeneration.

This guide serves to provide qualified exercise professionals with an overview of the Specialization.

Core Competencies

TheSystem.ca’s “Speed & Regeneration Specialization™”, must demonstrate advanced knowledge in the following five Core Competency areas:

Core Competency #1: Speed Biomechanics, Physiology, & Performance Psychology

  • Speed physiology
  • Biomechanics of sport & occupational performance
  • Environmental & physiological considerations
  • Sport psychology

Core Competency #2: Speed Performance Assessment

  • Speedspecific testing protocols
  • Monitoring internal & external training load
  • Body composition

Core Competency #3: Speed Performance Exercise Design & Prescription

  • Speed training principles
  • Speed periodization/prescription & long-term planning
  • Monitoring speed & conditioning

Core Competency #4: Energy Intake for Speed & Performance

  • Applied nutrition for speed

Core Competency #5: Recovery & Regeneration for Speed

  • Evasive methods for regeneration
  • Invasive methods for regeneration
  • Practical applications of regeneration methodolgies

Preparation Modules

Online preparation modules have been developed as well as a practical component to demonstrate core competency.

Purchase of the module is available to all qualified exercise professionals & can be purchased in any order.

Visit https://thesystem.ca/contact-us to inquire about more details & to purchase.

Module 1: Physiology & Training Prescriptions for the Components of Speed

  • Section 1: Endurance
  • Section 2: Strength
  • Section 3: Speed & agility
  • Section 4: Posture
  • Section 5: Flexibility & mobility

Module 2: Performance Assessment

  • Section 1: Properties of Measurement
  • Section 2: Considerations for Testing
  • Section 3: Methods of Assessment

Module 3: Planning & Management of Speed Training

  • Section 1: Periodization & The System.ca “360-Degree 4-Gear Integrated Approach”
  • Section 2: Principles of Speed Training
  • Section 3: Training for Speed & Agility
  • Section 4: Special Topics
  • Case Study 1: Hockey

TheSystem's 4 Gear Process showing progression from phase 1 to phase 4 and the changing importance of exercise type (i.e. structural fitness, structural performance, performance conditioning, peak-performance conditioning) and lifestyle elements (i.e. decreasing importance of biochemical, environmental, and mental factors as physical performance develops)