Frequently Asked Questions

Q) What is www.eliteathleticperformance.com (EAP) & why is it so effective?

A) EAP is a “Boutique-Styled” Performance Enhancement Company, which ONLY works with a select few highly motivated athletes at any given time. The EAP system is a cutting-edge step-by-step training system that combines all the necessary components of athletic speed development, combining linear speed, multi-directional speed, targeted regeneration, explosiveness and injury prevention into a strategic, easy to implement program that will allow your athletes to reach their performance potential.

Q) Who does EAP work with?

A) The vast majority of our clients fall into 3 categories:

1) Highly competitive Rookies;

2) Seasoned Veterans, who want to put “life back into their game”;

3) Athletes’ that are under performing due to chronic injuries or they are just “burnout”.

Q) If I train Middle School Athletes, can I still use the EAP system?

A) Yes, absolutely!  In fact, within the package we’ve also specifically included varied programming for different age groups and stages of athletic development to ensure we could offer the benefits to at any level.

Q) I’m not experienced with speed training, can I still benefit from this System?

A) Yes, EAP has left no stone unturned in providing a complete blueprint for developing speed, that you can use no matter what your experience level.  You’ll learn how each exercise and drill can contribute or not contribute to Speed, how to organize your program & how to troubleshoot everything from running mechanics to drill performance.

Q) Why you should take EAP’s Advice?

A) Well, firstly, allow me to tell you a bit about my background to give you a better idea of who I am and where my expertise lies. My name is Yusuf Omar, since 1983, I have focused much time & effort, becoming the best Speed Conditioning & Regeneration Enhancement Specialist. I accomplished this, by a combination of formal learning & having shared experience with the greatest most successful coaches around the world. I learned firsthand, the secrets of how to optimize athletic performance and minimize injury potential. My extensive experience coaching various elite athletes to top performances at the provincial, national & world level, in almost every sport from alpine skiing to soccer. I am well acquainted with the requirements for the necessary lifestyle & effort to vault your game to the next level, how to eliminate your weaknesses, and maximize your performance. Personally, I competed internationally as a Track & Road Cyclist, before retiring to fully pursue my career as a Performance & Regenerative Enhancement Specialist. Currently, my new sport passion is competing as a 100m & 200m Masters Track & Field Athlete.

Q) What is the difference between a general warm-up vs. dynamic warm-up?

A) Athletes often confuse static stretching with a more dynamic warm-up routine. Both are good, it depends upon the resting tonus of the muscles that are going to be used during the conditioning session. After running a few laps (i.e. < 1000m) to increase body temperature, and performing some self soft-tissue work, using various implements, a more “aggressive” approach should be undertaken.

The dynamic warm-up should focus on specific exercises that involve dynamic movements to enhance muscle elasticity, co-ordination and strength

Q) What are the important movement skills required for speed-power sports?

A) They are:

Acceleration- applying a fast, powerful force against the ground to overcome inertia

Deceleration – applying a gradual qualified, negative force into the ground to slow down inertia

Change of Direction- applying a counter force in another direction to cause a shift in the center of gravity, to cause a shift to an opposite direction.

Maximum speed- applying the greatest force into the ground, in the shortest period of time, which is accompanied with maximum stride length & stride frequency

Q) What is strength & power development?

A) Both elements target the Central nervous system, ligaments, tendons, muscles and joints, all of which provide stabilization and force. Both elements can be broken down into 4 areas of development:

Lower Body- relates to the strength & integrity of the hips, knees, ankle and feet

Core Body – relates to the strength & integrity of the Spine (i.e. lower, mid and upper) and Abdominals

Upper Body – relates to the strength & integrity of the hands, wrist, elbow, shoulder, ribs and neck

Power Development – – relates to the high velocity strength & integrity of the whole body, using various explosive exercises (i.e. Olympic movements and the like).

Q) What is endurance conditioning for Speed-Power Sports?

A) Developing power for extended periods of time. This is done via building local muscular endurance, then transferring to more whole body movements

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